NetWorthy Systems Blog

NetWorthy Systems has been serving the Beaumont area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Technology Myths You Should Know

Technology Myths You Should Know

Working in in our industry we often hear people mention common beliefs about technology. Many of these common beliefs happen to be fictional so we thought we would let you in on some of the biggest technology myths that people believe are true!

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4 Qualities to Look For In the Next Company that Services Your Tech

b2ap3_thumbnail_professional_vendor_relationships_400.jpgAs a small business owner, you want the best technology that will assist your company and allow it to grow. Not all technology vendors can do this for you. In order to get the most out of your technology, you need to separate the champs from the chumps. That’s where our vendor management service comes in.

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IT Techie, Hurry Up My Downloads Tonight

b2ap3_thumbnail_hurry_up_downloads_400.jpgAn IT parody song to the tune of “Santa Baby.”

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Are You Using Technology Fit for a Museum?

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_tech_400_20141209-155215_1.jpgWhat’s the technology in your office like? There’s a pretty good chance that at least some of the equipment you’re using may be obsolete. To find out if you’re using any obsolete technologies, let’s take a stroll down the Museum of Obsolete Objects and see what they’ve got on display.

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People are the X Factor for a Successful Technology Strategy

b2ap3_thumbnail_company_collaboration_400.jpgBusinesses look to technology to solve their problems and make operations more efficient, and rightfully so, after all, technology is synonymous with “solution.” Although, just purchasing new technology isn’t enough to automatically see the desired results. New technology must be accompanied by intentional implementation efforts, which includes adapting it to your company’s culture. In other words, working with people.

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Unlike Lightning, Solar Flares Can Strike the Same Place Twice

b2ap3_thumbnail_solar_flares_400.jpgIn 1859, our planet was hit with the largest recorded solar flare. This particular flare was known as the Carrington Event and it produced auroras that could be seen all around the world, even as far south as the Caribbean. The 1859 solar flare caused minimal damage and was seen mainly as an oddity. If such a flare struck today, however, the world would erupt into chaos.

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5 of the Best Android Smartphones on the Market Right Now

b2ap3_thumbnail_top_android_smartphones_400.jpgBusiness is on the move. There is no argument from industry professionals that more business is done on the go today than ever before. A big part of this upward trend in mobile computing is the proliferation of smartphone technology to boost productivity. The capabilities of these devices have increased to the point where any worker can accomplish a cursory amount of work.

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Business Technology, The Right Way

b2ap3_thumbnail_stop_grinding_your_gears_400.jpgThe first step toward properly running a business is realizing that you aren't the average consumer. You don't spend half an hour a day writing checks to pay for your bills - in fact, some of your employees probably do just that all day. The truth of the matter is that everything to a business owner is on a much larger scale than the average consumer - that includes purchasing your technology.

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Is a 13-Year-Old Boy from Odessa the First Turing-Tested AI Program Unit?

b2ap3_thumbnail_artificial_intelligence_400.jpgThe technology for artificial intelligence isn't quite there yet, but according to a recent Turing Test performed at the University of Reading, there might be some hope for it in the near future. A Russian team has assembled a computer program called Eugene Goostman who many believe is the first to pass the Turing Test.

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Technology and Life Insights from “The Most Connected Human on Earth.” Part 1

b2ap3_thumbnail_connected_400.jpgKnown as "The Most Connected Human on Earth," Chris Dancy is famous for utilizing hundreds of technologies and systems that work together to literally track and archive his every move. For Chris, it's not about bragging rights - it's about pioneering "a quantified life existence." What does a quantified life look like? To find out, we got a chance to talk with Chris!

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Complete Your 21st Century Home with a Computerized Communications Console!

b2ap3_thumbnail_twenty_first_century_computing_400.jpgPeople in 1967 were fascinated with new technology. During this era, technology advanced so quickly in such a short amount of time that people looked in wonderment at the future and made wild predictions at what the 2000s would look like. How accurate were the predictions of the 1960's scientific community? Let's check in with Walter Cronkite to find out!

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Signs Your Technology Might Be Older Than You

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_tech_signs_400.jpgWhen we think of technology in terms of age, we often look at how long the machine has lasted for. Some machines from the mid-90's are still running, which makes them almost twenty years old. In terms of human life, that's not a very long time, but if you look at it in terms of quality working conditions, you'll find that these computers are kind of like dogs and cats. They may only be several years old, but in terms of actual age, their lifespan makes them much older than you realize.

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7 Surprisingly Hilarious Tech Statistics

b2ap3_thumbnail_you_have_no_idea_400.jpgIf you think you are not up to date on your tech jargon, don't feel bad. A recent study conducted by asked 2,392 adults multiple choice questions about the definitions of common technology terms. The findings suggested that many of them were worse off.

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Retro 1800s Business Practices Can Cost Your Company Money!

b2ap3_thumbnail_document_management_400.jpgTrivia time! Do you know what device was invented in 1892 that changed the face of offices around the world? If you guessed the fax machine then you're close, but you need to think further ahead by almost 50 years (the first fax machine was patented in 1843 by Alexander Bain). More influential than even the fax machine is the file cabinet, established in 1892.

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Don’t Fear New Technology’s Learning Curve!

b2ap3_thumbnail_you_will_be_ok_400.jpgWe are creatures of habit. We love our routines and live in "comfort zones." Getting anybody to do anything outside of their comfort zone is always challenging. A comfort zone typically applies to social situations, but it can also apply to technology. Don't let an emotional attachment to old technology keep you from taking advantage of new money-making solutions!

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Bluetooth: 20 Years Down, Many More to Come

b2ap3_thumbnail_bluetooth_is_20_400.jpgThere's been a lot of exciting talk lately about brand new technology including biometrics, smart appliances, and wearable technology. With all of this kind of buzz, it's easy to forget about older technology, even if it still provides value to the industry. Bluetooth technology is one of the most exceptional technologies of recent history, and it's celebrating its 20th birthday this year!

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Check Out this Freaky Old Internet PSA

b2ap3_thumbnail_in_the_future_400.jpg19 years ago, a class of fifth graders from Helena, Montana was featured in a PSA video that, looking back, made some eerily-close predictions about how the Internet is used today. When this PSA was shot in 1995, only 0.4% of the world's population regularly used the Internet. Today, nearly 39% of the world uses it, and for good reason, as predicted all those years ago.

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How Technology Can Help Your Green Campaign

b2ap3_thumbnail_go_green_with_technology_400.jpgOne of the greatest trends to hit business culture within the last few years has been going green, aka, being environmentally conscious. Companies that adopt green culture end up helping the Earth, improving their brand reputation, gaining tax credits, and attracting new green-minded customers. If you're considering going green, one of the easiest places to start is with your technology.

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3 IT Solutions to Boost Law Office Productivity

b2ap3_thumbnail_law_solutions_that_work_400.jpgLawyers have certainly played a huge part in modern western society, as they battle at the center of every legal trial, hearing, and financial exchange. Just like any other businessman, lawyers highly depend on their office technology to aid them in their business operations. Here are three effective technology solutions that any lawyer could benefit from.

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Yep, We’ve Got that Covered Too!

b2ap3_thumbnail_vendor_assistant_400.jpgTechnology is a major part of everything your business does. Therefore, you need a technology partner that does more than just fixes your computers. For example, if your smartphone decided that, "today is a good day to die," then it wouldn't matter how great your workstation was running, your day would still be ruined.

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