NetWorthy Systems Blog

NetWorthy Systems has been serving the Beaumont area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A Short History of Data Backup and Storage

A Short History of Data Backup and Storage

Data backup has become an essential piece of the modern business’ computing infrastructure but the act of protecting data from being lost is centuries old. Before there was recorded civilization, there were humans writing on the cave walls and carving notches into bone to aid counting and other primitive mathematics. Today, we take a look at the history of backing up data, and how it has brought us to where we are now.

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Don’t Get Your Hopes Up about 5G Yet

Don’t Get Your Hopes Up about 5G Yet

There’s no getting around it: technology has spoiled us. We have had access to 4G mobile data speeds since 2009, and we’re already clamoring for the next thing. While 5G has been in development for some time now, it will likely be quite a while before it is available for common use. Here, we examine why 5G is likely going to take at least a few more years to arrive.

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Tech Term: Bits and Bytes

Tech Term: Bits and Bytes

Running a business sometimes requires attention to very minute details, and some things must be measured in order to achieve optimal efficiency. You’ve likely heard the terms bits and bytes used regarding data storage or transfer, but do you know what the difference is between them? Today’s tech term is dedicated to this explanation.

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What Happens to Your Data When You Delete It? The Truth will Surprise You

What Happens to Your Data When You Delete It? The Truth will Surprise You

When you delete a file off your PC, or your hard drive becomes corrupted, you just take for granted that the data is gone in perpetuity. That isn’t the case at all, and it can present problems for businesses and individuals alike. The thing is that it’s deleted, it’s gone, it ceases to exist, because you deleted it with your own hands.

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Why it’s a Big Mistake to Overlook Big Data

Why it’s a Big Mistake to Overlook Big Data

Managing your businesses technology is important because your operations rely heavily on efficient access to information. One advantage that secure and reliable IT provides is the ability to remain competitive, as the slightest advantage could mean a world of difference in your given market. One new IT trend is the analysis of big data. If it is leveraged properly, you could help your business get the leg up on local competition.

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Forget Micro SD Cards, the Future is Molecular-Level Data Storage

Forget Micro SD Cards, the Future is Molecular-Level Data Storage

As far as leaps in computing go, this one’s pretty tiny: a research team from IBM has managed to store data on a single atom. Despite the microscopic size of the result, the impact is potentially huge when one considers the effects this discovery could have on computing.

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Collecting Data is Easy, Using it to Benefit Your Business is the Challenge

Collecting Data is Easy, Using it to Benefit Your Business is the Challenge

Big data is a trend that’s gaining traction in the business environment. By taking a close look at the data that you collect, and identifying trends, you can potentially predict how your business can perform, and how your clients will respond to your products or services. Yet, there are two major questions that you need to ask: how are you going to use this data, and is the data that you’ve collected specifically to achieve that goal?

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From Magnetic Tape to the Cloud: A Brief Look at the Past 60 Years of Data Storage

b2ap3_thumbnail_history_of_data_storage_400.jpgData storage is such an important part of today’s business environment, but when was the last time you took the time to consider technologies that came before? Technology that exists today couldn’t possibly have existed 50, or even 20 years ago. How have the leaps and bounds made in the tech industry affected the status of data storage, and what does this trend mean for small and medium-sized businesses?

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Dark Data Continues to Be a Problem for Businesses

b2ap3_thumbnail_dark_data_waste_400.jpgYour business requires specific data to keep operations moving on a daily basis. However, for all of the data that you use, there’s information that you have stored away that never sees the light of day. This “dark data,” could be putting your business at risk, especially if auditing your current data storage usage isn’t a top priority. If you don’t keep track of your dark data, you could be facing much larger problems than unnecessary storage costs.

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New Technology Delivers Staggering Data Retention Options

b2ap3_thumbnail_light_data_storage_400.jpgAs more data systems develop the need for structured data storage, the development of fast and secure solutions have become essential to the viability of storing and retrieving data. Scientists have been looking at the field of optoelectronics to develop constructs where an enormous amount of data can be stored for exorbitant amounts of time.

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Here’s Why BDR is WAY Better Than Backing Up Your Data With Tape

b2ap3_thumbnail_backup_dr_blue_400.jpgData backup, regardless of its form, is a critical component of any modern IT infrastructure. If you’re not using data backup or disaster recovery, your business could be risking crippling data loss. Even if your infrastructure is protected from typical threats like viruses and malware, these security solutions aren’t going to prevent a devastating hardware failure.

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26 Billion Connected Devices By 2020 Will Dramatically Change Things

b2ap3_thumbnail_indroducing_big_data_400.jpgThe incorporation of mobile devices into day-to-day life has changed the culture significantly. In fact, when Apple introduced “iPhone” less than a decade ago, Steve Jobs famously said, “It’s like your life in your pocket.” Now, over eight years on from the launch of the first iPhone, it’s hard to remember what life was like before you had a full-function information system in the palm of your hand. We’ve come to rely heavily on these devices, driving mobile profits up and creating a market that didn’t have any substance only a short time ago.

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How Fast Can Your Business Recover from a Data Breach?

b2ap3_thumbnail_efficient_recovery_time_400.jpgHow much thought have you honestly put into your business’s data recovery procedure? It’s likely that you, like many other businesses out there, are taking a minimalist approach with both your data backup and disaster recovery. It’s not that you aren’t aware that they’re a good thing; you might just feel that you don’t need it because you feel hackers have no reason to compromise your data. Unfortunately, that’s what hackers are counting on: complacency.

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Would Your Data Survive a Disaster?

Would Your Data Survive a Disaster?

If the answer to this question is no, or I don’t know, or maybe you should read on.

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Just 28% of Organizational Data Stored Has a Clear Business Value

b2ap3_thumbnail_dark_data_400.jpgAccording to a recent survey by IDG Research Services of business and technology leaders, on average, only 28 percent of data stored and maintained has value to the day-to-day operations of a business. Translation: a whopping 72 percent of files stored by a business are useless.

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How Much is Your Data Worth?

b2ap3_thumbnail_how_much_for_data_400.jpgIt's been said that a company's data is its most important resource. If this is true, then is it possible to assign a monetary value to your files? If you attempted to do so, you may come to the conclusion that your company's data is more valuable than anything else in your business, maybe even your own job!

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Data Backup: The Bad, Good, Better, Best, and Redundant

b2ap3_thumbnail_server_for_us400.jpgIt's good to backup your data, but can you have too much of a good thing? While this may be the case for several enjoyable activities like partying and buffets, this isn't the case with data backup. In fact, the more layers of data backup you have, the more secure you will be. How good is your data backup solution?

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5 Technologies that Will Shape 2014

b2ap3_thumbnail_trendfive400.jpgBig changes are happening in the world of technology, and it's important that your business stays on top of these changes in order to stay competitive. By taking advantage of the latest trends, you will be provided with solutions designed to maximize profits. Here are five of the latest trends you need to watch for in 2014.

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4 Data Loss Scenarios that can Happen to You!

b2ap3_thumbnail_dataend400.jpgYou may feel like your computer network is immune to data loss, but according to a study by, 46% of users experience data loss every year. Whether it's from something big like a natural disaster, or minor like improperly removing a flash drive, every form of data loss is costly and can be prevented with a data backup plan.

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The 4 Fundamentals to IT Security

b2ap3_thumbnail_secure400_20131101-183022_1.jpgAt a recent security event, VP of Gartner Neil MacDonald broke down the fundamentals of IT security into four categories, "Information security was never about device lockdown, or dictating applications, or building firewalls. It was always about protecting the confidentiality, the integrity, the authenticity, the availability of information." Here's a closer look at these four security qualities.

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