You likely use several wireless devices and enjoy their many advantages, like not having to be wired to your desk. Yet, it’s unlikely that you’ve transitioned your entire office to wireless technology. Thanks to the advancements and affordability of wireless technology, having an office that’s completely wireless may be entirely within the realm of possibility.
What would an all-wireless office look like? For one, there wouldn’t be any ethernet cables. Anyone who has ever worked with information technology, even on a basic level, should be picking their jaw off the floor right now at the thought of never having to touch an ethernet cable ever again. However, despite the all-wireless office sounding like something out of science fiction, having your office experience this wire-free utopia can be yours with enough planning and the implementation of the right wireless solutions.
Now, we know what your first perceived objection may be; the high cost of undergoing such a major transition to go wireless. Before you write off an all-wireless office as a frivolous expense, consider the results of Cisco’s Connected Workspace project, where they implemented an all-wireless office by removing allocated desks and offices in favor of hot-desks and meeting spaces that support mobile devices. ITProPortal reports: “The result has been a 30 percent reduction in floor space per person, increased productivity and savings of $2.5k per employee per year.”
Spread this kind of savings around per worker, and the case to go wireless looks even more attractive if you have a large workforce.
Of course, transitioning to an all-wireless office is a big deal. It’s a rather complex process with multiple pieces and components in play. Therefore, it shouldn’t be attempted on a whim. Take for example these challenges of going wireless that you must first take into consideration.
For most businesses, the move to wireless will be slow as they upgrade their network piece-by-piece. Whether you’re going wireless slowly or in one fell swoop, the fact remains that the future is wireless and you need to be prepared for it.
NetWorthy Systems is here to walk you through all of your networking needs, wireless and other. Call us today at 877-760-7310 to learn more.