Has waiting on a signature ever brought a project to a halt? A major way to simplify the signing process and get those contacts and other documents signed and delivered faster is by utilizing e-signature technology.
Small businesses have been embracing new technologies for a while now involving getting documents filled out and signed by their customers. With fax machines, the document can be sent, printed, signed, scanned in and faxed back. Many small businesses replace fax with email now as a convenience for themselves and their customer. The next step is e-signatures. Here's how it works.
Sending the document is as easy as uploading a PDF or Word file, and entering in your customer's contact information. Some e-signature solutions let you create pre-defined templates for the fields you want filled out. Once the document is sent, your customer gets a notification in their email walking them through the signing process. A good e-signature solution lets you know when the customer has begun this process so you know if you should follow up or not. The customer fills out the form online, securely, and the files and information from the customer are emailed back to you when complete.
Getting the signing process out of the way means you can close deals faster and get authorization on projects and services. If you want to learn what e-signature solution is right for your business, give us a call at 877-760-7310.